Engineering in Practice

Events and Activities

Visit to Hong Chi Association (匡智會) centre for the mentally disabled - CVD Team

Date, time & venue 
2017-03-18;14:00 – 17:00;匡智愛東宿舍 (筲箕灣愛東邨)


Programme Highlight


Not everyone is so fortunate to have healthy body and mind. While it would be good for this group of people to fuse with other citizens to live a usual life, they have not received enough attention and care from the society.  In a meaningful afternoon of March, volunteers will have a chance to visit a special-need centre to interact with those adults with mental challenges through games and activities. Your presence will no doubt give them full recognition and support.


It will be a fun and meaningful afternoon.



Free of charge.


Registration & Enquiries

If you are interested in joining this voluntary service, please complete the online registration at on or before 3 March 2017 The registration is on a first-come-first-served basis.  Priority will be given to members of the Civil Division. Successful applicants will be notified by a confirmation email.  For enquiries, please also contact Ir Andy WONG at Tel: 9202 5335 or via Email:

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