Engineering in Practice

Events and Activities

Technical seminar on “Bridge Management - The value of implementing an Asset Management philosophy”

Date, time & venue 

It is widely accepted that transport infrastructure is vital to the economic well being of a nation. A nation’s road network is one of the most valuable community assets under the control of a government. Despite this, internationally, there is a growing realization that the management of these vital and valuable assets is not receiving the attention or funding required for the provision of the optimal state of repair and operation.

Whilst individual responses to these challenges vary amongst national governments there is a trend towards a more structured approach to the management of road assets. Numerous governments are developing and implementing asset management principles as a means of delivering better outcomes to customers, a strategy that most forward thinking authorities are adopting.

Infrastructure asset management represents more than simply an integration of existing management systems and data. It builds on existing processes and tools to form a continuous improvement framework that complements and supplements existing practice. This seminar will concentrate on the asset management of bridge structures and may be of specific interest in the light of a number of recent international high profile bridge failures.

Mr. Dick Feast; Consultant – Infrastructure asset Management

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